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Give the Gift of a Clean, Green Christmas!

You might feel it’s a little early to begin planning meals and get-togethers for Christmas or Hanukkah, what with the turkey and cranberry sauce still taking up fridge space from Thanksgiving, but don’t get too complacent! The winter holidays will be here before you know it.

There will be tons of preparations to attend to, and we all know that December doesn’t care if you still have a job to go to and normal, everyday errands to perform, and biological necessities to take care of, like sleeping. December expects you to pack three months worth of stuff into the first three weeks of the month. Then, after barely one or two days of rest and quality time with the family, December expects you to spend the fourth week of the month cleaning, just to return your home to some semblance of normalcy.

But at least you can give your special someone a bit of relief from the stress and overwhelm of the holiday season with a gift certificate to Green Home Cleaning. Let them warm up by the fire and put their feet up! We’ll take care of sprucing up the house before relatives start pouring in, or giving it a good clean-up afterwards. We’ll make their home sparkle with our green, sustainable cleaning solutions, all without them (or you) lifting a finger.

You’ll be giving the gift that everyone needs—MORE TIME. And you’ll be giving yourself the same gift, because you won’t have to go out driving on icy roads, fight through the crowds at the mall, or stand in a long line to get your gift. All you have to do is give us a call at 828.505.7320 or send us a quick message {LINK}, and we’ll get you all set up. You can even get several names crossed off your list with a single call or email. That’ll free up some time to meet December’s never-ending list of demands, and just maybe, you’ll be able to sneak in a few hours of holiday cheer.

We wish all of our clients and friends a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Yule, and a clean, green, wonderful holiday season!

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