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Keeping Your Mudroom Mud-Free and Organized

Fall has officially begun, and we couldn’t be more excited to pull all of our jackets and boots out of storage! Warm sunny days are behind us and we are now embracing the chilly drizzle of autumn rain. During this transition time, it can be hard to keep our homes organized and mud-free. But with a few tips and tricks, you’ll be enjoying this year’s rainy season while your mudroom stays tidy!

One of the hardest things during this time of year is keeping the mud outside where it belongs. With little ones and pets running in and out the door, muddy boot prints seem inevitable. Most people have a doormat by their door for wiping down shoes, but we recommend having one both inside and outside the door. Double wiping means half the mess! For pets, we recommend keeping a towel nearby to wipe down dirty paws. In addition to this, placing the shoe storage area (such as a rubber mat) by the door will make it easy to keep the mud from getting tracked through the rest of the house.

Correct storage is key to keeping any room organized, and the mudroom is no exception. It’s time to pack away light summer windbreakers and sandals and pull out of storage coats and boots for cooler weather. Everyone in the house should have their own hook for their jacket, as well as a hook or cubby for any hats, scarves, and other chilly-weather accessories. The changing of seasons is also a good time to go through with your kids to see what shoes and coats still fit, and what needs to be replaced with larger sizes.

Last but not least, we recommend keeping some cleaning supplies in your mudroom such as old wash cloths, old T-shirts and some organic Green Home Cleaning solution, just in case the great outdoors finds its way inside anyway!

Until next time, happy autumn and happy cleaning!

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