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How to Clean your Cleaning Tools

Sometimes the hacks to a clean home can be hiding in the small details. Cleaning can feel like a never-ending task sometimes- and without making sure your cleaning tools are clean, it can be! By taking a few minutes to clean them, it can help save you time in the long run.

Dish brushes can be sent through the dishwasher with the rest of your load of dishes to effectively disinfect them. This should be done weekly.

Dish sponges, however, are usually too delicate for the dishwasher. They are also a haven for bacteria growth, so cleaning them at least once a week is crucial. Soak your sponge in a vinegar solution for 30 minutes, and wring out very well before letting the sponge air-dry.

Toilet brushes, given their use, are difficult to keep disinfected! Instead of soaking them to clean, simply add a bit of pine cleaner to the bottom of the toilet brush holder. Check out our instagram for a step-by-step explanation of how to make pine-infused vinegar!

If your garbage disposal is starting to stink up the kitchen, it may be time for a clean! Next time you find yourself with unused citrus peels, throw them into the garbage disposal for a quick scent-boost. Follow with a cup of ice, which can help remove build-up from the inside as it is crushed by the garbage disposal.

There’s nothing worse than removing a clean load of laundry from the washing machine, and realizing they don’t smell very clean at all! Mold and mildew can easily build up in a warm, damp environment such as this. Once a month, run an empty load with one to two cups of vinegar on the hottest setting to help eliminate bacteria growth and ensure that fresh laundry scent!

Even if you consistently empty your lint trap on your dryer, you may be increasing the risk of a house fire if you’re not deep-cleaning your dryer every six months. After accessing the dryer vent (reference your dryer manual if you are not sure where this is located), the lint can simply be vacuumed out with a vacuum hose.

Although using disposable dusters can be tempting to use for the ease factor, regular dusters are surprisingly easy to clean- and the planet and your wallet will thank you! Gently hand-wash your duster in soapy warm water and leave out to air-dry, and your duster will look good as new!

Even if you consistently empty your vacuum’s filter of dirt and debris, a deep clean should be done monthly to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your vacuum cleaner! Reusable filters can be cleaned easily with hot water and dishwashing liquid. As a bonus tip, use a seam ripper to remove the hair that inevitably gets tangled in the brushroll.

Without disinfecting your mop head, your mop will only be spreading dirt and germs around your home. After each use, take a few minutes to soak your mop head in a bucket of clean hot water, and ¼ cup pine-infused vinegar solution. Not only will your floors be cleaner than ever, the pine will give it a great fresh scent boost!

You may not even realize how much dirt and dust your broom is missing because it is not clean itself! After shaking out as much as possible outside, leave your broom head to soak in a bucket of soapy warm water for 30 minutes to an hour. After this time, use a clean cloth to wipe away the remaining dirt and oils that have been loosened by the soapy water.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy March from your friends at Green Home Cleaning

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